The Brotherhood of Heroes Foundation is mostly comprised of active and retired first responders that understand when help is needed, there is no time for politics or red tape, just actions to make a positive difference.
First responders put their lives on the line every day. With the call of duty comes sacrificing ones physical and mental health on various levels. From specific traumatic calls to natural disasters, the years of service take a toll in multiple ways. The BoHF is comprised of first responders with over 100 years of service and have experienced first hand the arduous red tape and lack of services available to those that serve the public when help is needed. From financial difficulties due to catastrophic injuries, job related illness (cancer) or catastrophic personal events to mental health (PTSD), to family needs related to line of duty deaths, it is usually the first responder community that comes together to take care of one another. That being said, many in need do not know where to start when it comes to asking for help. The Brotherhood of Heroes Foundation was created by first responders, for first responders. We believe that when help or assistance is needed, the last thing one needs is “red tape” when in many cases time is of the essence. The BoHF believes in responding to those “family” members in need with simple and efficient options. Instead of one form of assistance, the BoHF believes in offering various avenues and opportunities in order to do the most good. Being fluid and having the ability to adapt in order to provide services when they are needed quickly is at the core of what first responders do on a daily basis for the general public. Now it’s time for the first responder family to take care of it’s own when help is needed the most. The Brotherhood of Heroes Foundation is proud to be at the forefront of doing just that.